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文章作者:佚名 人气:发表时间:2023-08-23 18:32:22


Q1: Where have you traveled to recently?


I didn’t travel for a long time since COVID-19. Let's see, I went to my grandparents’ house in Dali for National Holidays. My grandparents passed away many years ago, so the house belongs to my uncle now. The house is next to the ancient town with lots of traditional architectures in Qing dynasty. My family likes to spend time to walk on the ancient road to do some sightseeing. Each time we explore the ancient town, we always find new changes.

Q2: If you could have an all-expenses-paid(包吃住付全额) vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Well, I’ve done quite a bit of traveling already, so I would choose some places I’ve never been before, like South America. I think it would be fascinating to see the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru. I’d also love to visit Patagonia in southern Argentina, to see the glaciers up close and personal. I think South America would be a wise choice for an all-expenses-paid trip because of the high cost of traveling and the language barrier.




I would choose some places I’ve never been before.我要选那些我没去过的地方。

I think ???would be a wise choice for an all-expenses-paid trip because of the high cost of traveling. 我觉得某个地方旅行花钱多,所以选择那里。

Q3: Would you ever like to study or work abroad?


I studied in Singapore for one year to get my Master degree and worked there for two years. Then I was a Chinese immersion teacher in the U.S. for two years. After that I went to Spain and lived there a few months. Living abroad makes me see my home country in a new light. It was interesting to be able to compare our society with others, especially when it comes to education. The Westerners focus a lot more on creativity and problem solving, rather than just on memorization. I would definitely like to live abroad again one day, if the opportunity arises.


Living abroad makes me see my home country in a new light.

Q4:Which place in China would you recommend to tourists?


China has a lot to offer, but I would definitely recommend a trip to my hometown Dali, Yunnan. There are high mountains and a beautiful lake called erhai, and an ancient town with lots of traditional architectures. It’s a great place to go hiking or take pictures. It’s also the home to Bai people, who have a rich and interesting culture. They sill make canoes by hands and practice their traditional dances and other customs. Dali is a great tourist destination.


Q5:Would you prefer backpacking or going on a group tour?


Definitely backpacking! I don’t like group tour because the group always filled with senior citizens. My favorite way to travel is to plan each day as I go along, because I’m quite spontaneous(随性的). I usually have a general idea of the places I want to go to and then play it by ear(见机行事). This way, my trips always be more varied and filled with surprises.

Q6: What do you dislike about traveling?


I really love traveling, but I guess there are some downsides to it too. I enjoy trying new things , but sometimes it’s hard to find food I like when I’m in a new place. When I was in Cuba for spring recess, I had to eat canned food every day. I really don’t enjoy them. I also find it frustrating when I can’t read the signs and menus in Spanish or communicate with the locals.

Q7:Describe your most memorable trip.


I’d have to say that my most memorable trip was that time I went to Puerto Rico. I rode on a glass-bottom boat to see Bio-Bay at night. I saw thousands of bio-luminescent marine creatures in the sea when it was really dark. It was amazing and beautiful. The natural scenery was so unique that I felt like I was in the movie “the Life of Pi”.



Bio-Bay Trip,一般都把bio-luminescent 直接简写成Bio,读起来简单多了。

去波多黎各看荧光海滩是一种怎样的体验? - 夏奕可可的回答 - 知乎 zhihu.com/question/2926

Q8:Do you try to see as much as you can while traveling? Or do you prefer a relaxing holiday?


A bit of both, really. I usually make ambitious plans because I get so excited about all the different things that could potentially see or do. So, at the beginning of my trip I always do a lot of sightseeing. Then, forwards the end of my trip, I’m just ready to relax. The more I traveled, the more I don’t like to feel too rushed. Rather than seeing many things, I prefer to spend quality time seeing just a few special things, and learning about the culture or trying some local activities.

Q9:Do you usually carry a lot of luggage when you travel? Or prefer to travel light?


I’m not a high maintenance type of girl, I don’t pack makeup and hair dryers. I prefer to travel light. I usually pack a pair of jeans and a few casual clothes. I used to pack too much, but I’ve learned how to streamline now. I like to be able to carry everything easily. In the event that I need more clothes, I’d like to buy a new one at local place.

high maintenance 是指那种很精致,需要很多护肤品,化妆品,防晒装备等等多种东西维护自己精致造型的类型。

Q10:Do you agree that a year of traveling is more educational than a year of classroom instruction?


A bit of both. If you study things only in classroom and never experience them, you barely scratch the surface. However, if you travel quickly see all the sights, take some pictures of them, buy some souvenirs, and then just go back home. This travel style squeeze you in too much tourist spots, which you will not have quality time to learn about the culture and history of a place. So I think we need both traveling and also studying.

